New level of ridiculousness

$8,995 for a power strip???
Stick 8 off the shelf receptacles in a marble??? box, and there it is.
It is getting more and more ridiculous. As if manufacturers are now driven by a desire to extract as much $$$ from aaudiophiles with sufficient income, and not by a desire to advance the quality of their products.
I wonder...
I share the same viewpoint as Elizabeth. Why care or be envious/jealous of what adults do with their disposable income?
Maril555, there are many people(I would`nt) who`d question your judgement in owning 30k speakers and a 19K preamp for example.Nonaudiophiles would find it near insanity to spend 500.00 for a single interconnect,what, 3 feet of wire? ( and we know they can certainly go much higher than that) or how about 200-500.00 for a pair of NOS tubes(those small glass things?). What people decide to do with THEIR money is up to them.What some consider to be a justifiable price is totally ridiculous to another with different values.
Maybe it came across as if I care how people spend their money.
Just let me be clear- I could have cared less.
What I do care about, is how the industry takes advantage of the psychology of the wealthy consumers at the expense of people with more realistic approach.
Some time ago I posted here, comparing a technology, R&D, materials, etc., involved in making two different products- a pair of speakers (Wilson Audio Alexandria, Magico Q7, insert other models here) and a Mercedes Benz S600- both priced at approximately $150,000.00
When you think about it, it becomes abundantly clear, how insanely overpriced our hobby is, and that includes the very components, that are in my own system. We all have gotten kind of desensitized to this fact, but an example of $8,995 power strip just seemed a little extreme even to me.
That was my point.
it looks a bit like coffin, but I think it may work....who knows? We need someone who buys it to let us know.....