New level of ridiculousness

$8,995 for a power strip???
Stick 8 off the shelf receptacles in a marble??? box, and there it is.
It is getting more and more ridiculous. As if manufacturers are now driven by a desire to extract as much $$$ from aaudiophiles with sufficient income, and not by a desire to advance the quality of their products.
I wonder...
I just read a review of the Koenigsegg Agera R from Sweden in WSJ, mostly because I enjoy the reviewers writing.
$2.5 million is a lot to pay for a car!
Gets you from point A to point B just like most other cars but standing still to 186mph in 14.5 secs. Talk about losing your license. Still a car though. 8^)
Car reviewers and hi-fi reviewers are in some ways similar. One of my neighbors is a well-known car reviewer. He's always got something new and flashy in the driveway for review, but his personal cars are odd and quirky-Morris Minor pickup truck, 64 Volvo, E type and an assortment of other old British stuff. He does have a 69 6.3 Benz that I would buy in a minute.
K-Egg is cool, but to me, the 'classic' modern supercar is the McLaren F1 and that one has appreciated. (Never liked the Enzo, just plain ugly). Old School- 250 SWB. But now out of reach to mere mortals. You would have had to buy in 20 years ago for it to make sense.
I kept one car out of the 10 or so flashy ones that I had since 1995- it's the least flashy and hardly the fastest: a 993 C4 Cabrio. I didn't buy it as an investment but it has held its value.
comes with a video and spelled with an extra "a". must be good. loaded with quantum goodness that.
Aaudio showed a SOTA $300K+ rig at RMAF. An $8K power bar is a waste in a $25-40K rig. In a $300K rig it is 2.6% of total system cost, or less.

Simply addressing the question from a system quality standpoint, if I were building a cost-no-object rig from $300K+ I sure wouldn't use crap as a power bar.