Felix, Always good to hear from someone who knows how good a modded SCD-1 can be. I have not heard the drop-in analog modules such as VSE, ModWright, etc., but rather have developed my own approach in combination with ideas from Ref Audio Mods, Allen Wright, and Zanden. After many iterations beyond initial step of component-for-component piece-part substitutions, I am happy with a transformer-coupled analog stage with just two TX2575 resistors in signal path(which replace two inferior stock Sony SMD resistors that none of the other modders touch), one battery-powered monolithic buffer, and no coupling caps, discrete op amps, or other active or passive components in signal path. In the stock analog circuit there are dozens of devices in signal path that color sound in addition to the coupling caps. Moreover, the analog stage accounts for less than one-third of the net improvement of mods performed throughout the player.
IMO, the problem with this Duelund thread is that even if Duelund makes the best caps in the galaxy, in most applications, taking a systems approach that deals with other weak links in the chain will produce superior sonic results for less money. At Duelund prices, I am happy to use the world's next best coupling cap, and focus on other areas. Coupling caps, of course, are easy to replace and compare-- which may account for their cult-like following.
As to aftermarket clocks for Sony, I've thought about Ultraclock, and will email you directly regarding other options.
IMO, the problem with this Duelund thread is that even if Duelund makes the best caps in the galaxy, in most applications, taking a systems approach that deals with other weak links in the chain will produce superior sonic results for less money. At Duelund prices, I am happy to use the world's next best coupling cap, and focus on other areas. Coupling caps, of course, are easy to replace and compare-- which may account for their cult-like following.
As to aftermarket clocks for Sony, I've thought about Ultraclock, and will email you directly regarding other options.