A clue for the clueless

If you are going to use the Auction route to sell your item, do not list it with a reserve at or near the normal sales price. Hello...an auction means you will let the market decide. Sure, put a reserve on it, but that should be a low safety net price, not full value.

Man I see this often. Some clueless person lists their item for auction starting at $0. It gets tons of bids, but never gets past the reserve. Figure it out people. That's not an auction, now is it. If you want top dollar, list it as a regular classified and then wait 6 months for the perfect buyer. Sheesh!
Elizabeth is right men. My plan WAS to draw pictures of my amps using crayons. But now I got the clue; and you’ll have to read my forum posts to find out that I’m an idiot.
Realizing you are an idiot is the first step of a 12-step program...I am on step 3.

I have a question for the OP, or anyone else who knows, is the originator of an auction allowed to accept the high bid, even if it doesn't meet their reserve?
I personally don't view the auctions when I log on. IMO the seller is not serious about selling, but fishing. I especially like pictures loaded sideways. Also pictures of expensive equipment on a dingy couch irk me.
Liz is right but I wouldn't pass on a good deal because the seller is not experienced in the ways of selling on A.G. The worse the add the less competition you will have when dealing on a product and likely realize a better price.

Years ago we went to look at a used Levinson amp in a near by town. When we went into the house we found the owner also bred expensive F1 cats. When we went into his music room we found two small cats curled up and sleeping on the amp. My young daughter who came along for the ride was extremely happy with the purchase, until she started loading the cats into the car and found out they weren't part of the deal, cried all the way home and well into the night. We returned the following day and collected the two critters.