Multi-channel amp question????

Ok guys here's the deal, I have a buddy trying to build a better then Best Buy Home theatre and I am not welly versed on this stuff. He is looking for an amp right now, 5 channel under $2000, that budget is not set in stone, if there is something way better for a little over budget that is no problem. It will be powering paradigm reference speakers, w/Paradigm P1000 powered sub. The only source will be digital, DVD and CD. He is thinking EAD, Sunfire, Acurus, B&K and I am thinking Rotel, Adcom...any suggestions. I am sorry if some of you feel this should be in the Home theatre arena, I figured I would reach more people here, and it is an amp question, thank you for any input, Tim The Tire Guy
I've been using three Rotel RB993THX (200X3@8ohm)with a Lexicon DC1 for a few years now and have had really good luck with them. You should be able to find the 993's for around $1,000 used each, or a 991 and a 993 (991 is the two channel version) for a bit less. I can't tell you have they handle Paradigm's, I'm using matching SLS loudspeakers. One amp driving LF, L-side, LR one driving RF, R-side, RR and the other for center and L/R subs (passive).
I have the Citation 7.1 as well and it's a hoot to use. Warm, relaxed presentation is the right description. I paid $800 for mine. Buy TWO and you can have 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 channels depending on how you configure them. A STEAL for the money. Good looking too(well, to me anyway).
I used to have the Citation stuff too- 5.1's and 7.1's and the 5.0 processor. They were great for the $$, and the bi-amping options made them very flexible.

I was then looking for a home theater amp that could also provide audiophile 2-channel as well, and I found it- the Theta Dreadnaught- 400 wpc in to 4 ohms (I use 5 Totem Mani-2's in my HT system). The Theta is simply a fabulous amplifier, although probably more $$ than you want to spend. Now, my Dad has all the Citation stuff, and he's happy too- best of luck with your search.