Who can fix electrocompaniet amps

I have an Electrocompaniet 120 that keeps blowing its fuse before it starts up. It worked for 2 months - the distributor took it in twice and kept it for over one year combined in both efforts and it still is not right - the dealer Audio Heaven has been no help and pretty much said it is my problem. Someone mentioned at one point a guy in Florida but I cannot find the thread. It sounded really good for the two months. Would using a different fuse like a slow blow help or different amp - it uses fast blow 5A 250 volt.
Suretyguy - you are absolutely correct. The reliability of EC is as good (if not better) than other high end brands.

I know I read something about Sony and it's "standing behind the product" I would BEG TO DIFFER! From my experience with Sony, they always seem to find a way to avoid doing repairs under warranty and FORCE you to buy a new unit. This does not indicate that they stand behind their products but simply shows they've discovered a way to profit from their products breaking.

My first Sony DVD player $300) had a lip sync problem which took me a long time to figure out. I thought I was going nuts when the video and audio were off of sync. Sony informed me that they would fix the problem by updating my firmware at a cost of 250 dollars. Geez.. Like I was going to spend 250 to fix a 300 DVD player. So they offered me a 100 pro-rate on a new DVD player.

Recently I purchased a Sony 9000es DVD player BRAND NEW which had the very same lip sync problem. I didn't even bother with warranty I took it back to the store and bought a $150 Toshiba and have been fine ever since.

Then... My Sony Camcorder had a tape stuck inside. When the repair guy finally got it out, he said, "too bad it wasn't a Sony tape because then it would be covered under warranty." I had to pay to have the tape removed simply because it wasn't a Sony tape. Sony = Scam

While some can sit and criticize Electrocompaniet for it's apparent lack of customer service in the US, they must also take into account the fact that EC is a small company with a weak distributor. EC's intent to provide good customer service can easily be illustrated by the recent introduction of the EMC-1 upgrade which allows a customer to go to the next level without spending a fortune to get there - or buying a brand new unit.

Tell me, how many Audio products does Sony build that can be upgraded when they become obsolete?
i bought a new pair of aw60ftt's from a european distributor, & proceeded to blow up one of the transformers, trying to convert it to 120v from the 220v eurospec voltage. ec had provided me w/the conversion info, but there was a huge language disconnect which caused me to misunderstand the instructions. i am mechanically inclined, & can solder, but i am not so good w/electronic circuits... ;~)

while it took longer to sort out than i'd have liked, ec confirmed the proper method so i wouldn't blow up the 2nd amp, & they sent me free of charge a brand-new transformer, so i could repair the 1st. they also sent me a box of proper fuses.

these amps are being used vertically bi-amped, in place of an aw75 & an aw100 i previously was using, horizontally bi-amped. until i can afford the care-n-feeding of some mondo tube amps (or completely change gears & go for horns & flea-power amps), i have no interest in changing my amplification. electrocompaniet is great equipment, imo. while their service may be slower than one may hope for, i tend to give 'em the benefit of doubt - they are a relatively tiny company, competing w/big players. i like 'em, i like the product.

ymmv, doug s.

I also own an EMC-1 Cd player and love it - I now use it as a transport with the Kora Hermes DAC - great combo. I also love the 120 amp when it is working. I ahve never had any problems with the CD player.

Did you ever try to replace the fuse? The AW120DMB draws a great deal of current on start-up and EC spec's a 5A 125v fuse for US power. Your 2A 250 fuse NEEDS TO BE REPLACED!
Excellent point, Bwhite! Indeed, the 2A/250 is for european use (higher voltage, lower amperage)!