Better B&K amp?

I need some advice. Which would be a better amp to buy?
- B&K ST-202+
- B&K EX442

They both have received good reviews.
I have the EX-442 sonata. Original owner too. I love it very sweet and punchy. better than the 202+ because its dual mono better transieent response.Driving polk audio monitor10's also have a B&K ST 1400 for the second system pre amps are Audio research LS-7 and Adcom 545 Go for the EX 442
Definitely go for the 442. Punchier and better separation due to dual mono construction.
I have an ST-202 which was modified in CT.!If at the time I had found a EX-442 I might have opted for it ,but i would still have gone with the Modification for the unit!The mod. brought it closer to being in the class of a world class amp so I am very happy with it!
The question also depends on what speaker's you will be driving with it?
Either choice you will not be sorry!

The Dual Mono Design will haelp in Isolation of the Chanels which in turn would improve on the Crosstalk aspect.

I have looked around for another amp ,but I am really reluctant to get rid of the ST-202 even if I were to get another amp.

I also have a 5-channel B&K I have not used yet!Waiting for my total speaker system to be sorted out and a way of isolating my 2 channel from my Video setup.

I believe that B&K is one of the most undervalued steals in audio today or in the past!

If you can get the unit Modified in the future ,do so!No veiling whatsoever in my 202!Channel seperation and detail are top rate.It sounds better than a $1600 Rotel reciever\CDP with $2800 Transparent Cables hooked into them!

I was told by the people that did my Mod. and have read that the Plus Version is not as good as the regular Blackfaceplace version of the same amp.You might want to find a vintage 1989 vintage model used for around $400!

Just food for thought!

Good Luck!