cambridge or nad preamp

I've narrow my choice between the Cambridge 500 or the Nad 160 preamps. My other equipment are the Odyseey Stratos amp and Monitor Audio Silver 5i for my mains. All opinions are needed. This will be my first preamp.I plan to start between the $300 to $500 price range then progress upwards. Thanks to all who replys.
Trip, Sugarbrie's advice parallels my experience with preamps. I went from an Adcom gtp-400 preamp to a Cambridge c500 & the Cambridge was much better. This was with an Adcom amp & Maggie 1.6's. Then I got a Belles 150a Hot Rod amp & found the Cambridge lacking something, although it was neutral and committed no active sonic sins. The phono section was decent enough for something so inexpensive. I replaced the Cambridge with a used Music Reference RM5III preamp that I have about $600 invested in ($2000.00 retail new.) This was an Ebay auction that turned out to be one the best deals I ever got. Excellent synergy with the Belles and this pre is MUCH better than the Cambridge. The choices Sugarbrie lists used around the $500.00 level are all good. Good luck, Will.
I think the advice of going used is VERY good. If you go with something like Bryston, there is a fully transferable 20 year waranty so you can get a used one without much worry. Look for an old 11B. My first separate pre-amp was a 0.5b that while inferior to what I have now, was awfully good for the money and indestructable to boot.
If you are persuaded to look at the used market then check also for Audiolab pre-amps ... they sound great, they're versatile, and they last forever. And for some reason they're cheap used on this side of the Atlantic.
All good advice. Used is definitely your way to go. You can pickup a used Anthem Pre1L for $395 on the AudiogoN right now (unless it's been sold already). Lots of great stuff for under $500, virtually all better than the Cambridge or NAD. Plus, by going used, you won't take the hit in depreciation like you would with the NAD and Cambridge, neither of which will have much demand in the used market.

Just doing a very quick search, I found a PS Audio 5.5 ($395), Threshold NS10 ($400), Aragon 24K ($350), Audio Research LS3 ($500), Meridian 501 ($400), etc., etc.

All good stuff. Enjoy your purchase! Good luck.