Audiophile novice needs your expert opinion

I recently purchased an Acurus 125x5 for my home theatre system.I love the amp,but I have a small humm-buzz in every channel(speaker) My last system I had a Classe CA-100 pre-outted for my front channels and the reciever amplifying the center and rears,and it was dead quiet no humm.After experimenting I found it(the humm-buzz)was coming from my cable TV connection at the wall.(very close to the outlet for my HT)If I disconnect the cable line the humm-buzz stops.What is this from? And what can I do to stop the humm-buzz? I would appreciate any help. Happy Holidays- John
You have got a ground loop. You can get a ground isolation transformer for Radio Shack for cheap or a better made but not necessarily more effective one from Mondial (called Magic) or from Audioadvisors (made by MIT). Our you can try a cheater plug (3-prong adapter) on the amp.
John, I had a similar problems with Acurus amps (A250 and a 200x3)... it's a ground problem. I managed to solve it by running ground lines from every component to the screw in the outlet the components were plugged into... It seems the cable wire is truly a definitive ground, so the cable folks tell me, so by bettering the rest of your systems ground you should be OK.

Good luck!
Get yourself the "magic box" from Aragon/Acurus/Klipsch(any Klipsch/Aragon dealer can order it) and it will solve your problem.You shoud be able to get it for around 100.00.
Thanks Audiophiles.There was a very informative forum on the Mondial webpage.Someone explained that by using two Radio Shack parts(15-253, 15-1140)you could transform 75 ohm signal to 300 ohms and then back to 75 ohms,and this would cure the problem for about 4 dollars.In my factory sealed box from Mondial there was a brochure for there Magic Box,which basically does the same thing for 100.00 dollars.Gee you think its a coincidence or what? Thanks again. John