Integrated Amp upgrade

I have a Maarntz PM-84D integrated amplifier. I bought it 2 years ago to upgrade from a Adcom 545 preamp and B&K 202 amp.

The stereophile stated back in 1988 that the Marantz PM-94D was the best integrated amp in the market. The difference between the PM94D and the PM84D was the power output as far as I could learn.

I wonder if anyone has upgraded from the old Marantz integrated amps to the newer integrated amps such as Creek 5350SE or the Musical Fidelity A300 and Rega Mira and found significant improvement.
I can't comment from personal experience, but I notice that the British mags still rate Marantz gear very highly. I think the latest What Hi-Fi had the Marantz integrated as a top pick, along with Roksan and Arcam, with the MF down a notch. Ditto the "ki" versions of the CDP's. FWIW
The British mags don't compare the lower priced integrated amps to the high end ones such as Plinius , Classe' , Krell,etc. Marantz is nice equipment compared to Denon, Arcam ,etc, but compared to a nice high current Classe', Plinius ,you can hear your money. I own one of the older top rated Yamaha integrated amps, a Rotel 971 (better), and a Classe' CAP 151. I also own a Marantz SR18. While the Marantz sounds way better than my old Sony ES receivers, neither it nor my other integrated amps is as smooth, dynamic , and refined as the Classe'. IMHO
The Marantz PM 84D in its day cost about $ 2000. Not very inexpensive I would think. But it seems to me from reading reviews that costs have come down quite a bit in the last decade. I was just curious if anyone had compared the old, $ 2000 + integrated amps with the newer integrated amps in the $ 2000 - range (such as the Creek, or Musical Fidelity).