Expectations of couling caps.
The vintage ERO FOL II's .022 are very tiny. They are just one half inch long and 1/4" in diameter.
The Jensens are .7" in diameter and 1.5" long.
Using pie x R2 the volume is in metric.
So 3.14 x 3mm2 x 12.7 359 cubic mm. Vintage
Jensen 3.14 x 9.5mm2 x 38mm 10767 cubic mm Jensen
So the Jensen is 30x larger in volume. The Duelund is about 10x bigger.
I know some guys do not believe the size of the cap matters. This has NOT been my experience. I expect the Jensen's and Duelund's to be much more dynamic. I also expect both to be much quieter. Even on the better vintage amps like the Fisher pre amps the size of the caps get bigger.
I am hoping for the kind of change I got from changing the tweeter caps from vintage to Duelund.
I have been doing much reading and am going against the SET route. (for now) My gut tells me much of the benefit of SET is less coupling caps. It is a given that the less amount of coupling caps the better the sound especially the poly cap kind.
Stereophile review on the EL 84 EICO
"Toss in a full restoration, and for well under $2000, the HF-81 can beat the pants off many amps and shame the SETs at their own game. I unconditionally recommend that you find an EICO HF-81, restore it, and hear for yourself what the fuss is all about". (END OF REVIEW)
I also read another review that the reviewer who was reviewing and Audio Note SET and said it was not as good as a Leak vintage tube amp.
So I do not want to give up the bass.
I think/expect a Duelund coupled vintage tube amp with no plastic and Duelund's top notch caps will sound fantastic.
The vintage ERO FOL II's .022 are very tiny. They are just one half inch long and 1/4" in diameter.
The Jensens are .7" in diameter and 1.5" long.
Using pie x R2 the volume is in metric.
So 3.14 x 3mm2 x 12.7 359 cubic mm. Vintage
Jensen 3.14 x 9.5mm2 x 38mm 10767 cubic mm Jensen
So the Jensen is 30x larger in volume. The Duelund is about 10x bigger.
I know some guys do not believe the size of the cap matters. This has NOT been my experience. I expect the Jensen's and Duelund's to be much more dynamic. I also expect both to be much quieter. Even on the better vintage amps like the Fisher pre amps the size of the caps get bigger.
I am hoping for the kind of change I got from changing the tweeter caps from vintage to Duelund.
I have been doing much reading and am going against the SET route. (for now) My gut tells me much of the benefit of SET is less coupling caps. It is a given that the less amount of coupling caps the better the sound especially the poly cap kind.
Stereophile review on the EL 84 EICO
"Toss in a full restoration, and for well under $2000, the HF-81 can beat the pants off many amps and shame the SETs at their own game. I unconditionally recommend that you find an EICO HF-81, restore it, and hear for yourself what the fuss is all about". (END OF REVIEW)
I also read another review that the reviewer who was reviewing and Audio Note SET and said it was not as good as a Leak vintage tube amp.
So I do not want to give up the bass.
I think/expect a Duelund coupled vintage tube amp with no plastic and Duelund's top notch caps will sound fantastic.