switching from Tubes to SS

I am thinking of making the switch. I would welcome your opinions on a SS amp (either stereo or mono blocks)

My setup is as follows

Wadia 861 Cd Player
First Sound Pre amp
ProAc Response 5 speakers
Fim Cables
Hydra PLC

Thank you in advance
Brad Fisher
After 10 years with tubes I switched back to SS. It all depends on what you like and the synergy of your system. I owned Cary, Wolcott,Roger Majesky amps all of which are excellent. When I heard the Aloia amps in my system is was the best match I liked.Other than sound some of the problems I had was reliability, Constant biasing, tube failure.
I own a pair of Joule Electra 160 mono blocks. I love these amps. I have owned them for a year and a half. I dont think there is anything wrong with my setup. I am just wondering if the grass is greener on the other side.
Please try Pass Labs x series amps and pre-amps. Tube like sound without the hastle of tubes.
I drive Proac Response 2.5s with a Pass X-150 and I use a First Sound tube line stage as you do (some of the time, I switch off with a Placette). Great combination. You may want more power than the 150, but maybe not.
Brad, if you're happy, then why change anything? You have what appears to be a tremendous sounding system. At your current level, it is actually easier to screw-up your system then it is to make it better by substituting equipment. If you haven't already done it, you might want to invest in a serious equipment rack and try to address isolation issues.

Also, have you tried running the Wadia directly into the power amps?