Granite under your amp???

I have had speakers with the option for granite bases, has anyone used a slab of granite under their amp, even while on a good stereo rack? If so, any changes?
I had an extra slab of 1" granite laying around from my kitchen so I did a little experiment... I placed it on top of my turntable stand with 4 Michell Engineering cones underneath it... and then my Gyro Dec on top... and it was the cheapest improvement in sound quality I have made in a long time...
Tim-When I had my audio crisis a couple of days ago I was considering taking a ride over the falls.David+99
I was able to get a couple of 15x24x1 polished scraps of marble from a local tile and counter shop for my amps. They had a pile of scraps from jobs and let me have them for free. All I had to do was clean them up.
OK, different audiophiles say that a hard surface, like granite under the amp makes it sound better and other audiophiles say that if you isolate it on a air suspension device that it sounds better. So, which is it? And how could both be better with such different approaches?