Tubes in Blue

Some of the tubes on my machine show blue florescent neon color on their envelopes. Is there anything wrong with those tubes? Please provide your suggestion(s) and experience.

Thanks in advance.

Tesla offers premium E 34L tubes in both blue and red tinted glass.

No performance gain or loss, simply a way to add color to the amp. Think of your tubes as having the premium color option, but without the premium price :~).
Normal for some tubes to do this.What I can gather from some tube experts is it has to do with slow leakage of vacume gasses.Go figure.

The following link may help:

Regards, Richard

Yu: What type of tubes are we discussing? A Blue/Purple glow @ the top of the glass globe is usually OK on larger power tubes (I have often found them to be the best sounding), but if it extends lower and seems to cloak the horizontal spacers and/or plates, then you may have a slight leak in the tube which will considerably shorten its life. It is unlikely that "all" of the output tubes would develop leaks unless someone attempted to improperly straighten the pins on them.