Bryston B60 - Is it worth it?

I’m newbe in hi end. I bought used Bryston to be the heart of my system as reference device. Recently I find review in hifichoice . It describes Bryston as amp with sound problems. I’m wondering if it reason to be a stereophile grade B not a grade A amp? Or it related to much higher priced amps? Or it not so good amp and only this guys are honest? Many people who used and made comments about this amp on audiogon already sold it (at least I understand so from messages). They unhappy with amp? Should I go for another amp? Any comment will be appreciated.
It for small bedroom 9” x 11” with no real preferences yet.
Vlad: The Bryston B-60 has gotten many very positive reviews as one of the best integrated amps in high-end audio. All of the audio reviews done on the Bryston B-60 are available on the Bryston web site. I'm not familiar with HiFi Choice, so I suggest you look at the reviews that Bryston has made available for reference. Here's the Web link:
I read the HiFiChoice review. That magazine considers price in their reviews. The B60 according to the review cost twice as much in the UK as it does in North America. Their good but not outstanding review reads like they would have recommended if the price were less. There is better to be had for that much money in the UK market.

The same thing happens in reverse with Cambridge Audio equipment. The D500SE CD player and A500 amp would sell for at least $100 less if it were at the UK/EU price in North America.

How does it sound to you? This is the most important thing to consider. If you already own it and it works well with your other gear, then keep it. I read the British mags quite a bit, Hi Fi Choice has given not so great reviews on some products that get glowing reviews in the other publications. Bottom line: trust your own ears, go with what sounds good to you.
I owned a B-60 for 2 1/2 years. It performed flawlessly and never failed to sound great. The only reason I sold it was to get into tubes and even then I had planned to keep it for a second system until that was vetoed by my live in girlfriend. A great way to cheaply upgrade the sound of the B-60 is to get the Missing Link replacement jumpers from Tara Labs in place of the stock copper bars. Enjoy!
Bryston is a good company and they stand behind their products.

Don't worry about the sales on Audiogon. That is the very reason for this site to begin with. Their will always be sales of all kinds of equipment on this site because people have different situations that come up in their lives. Many of those Bryson sales could be to people upgrading to larger Bryston amps.

This site is like the NASDAQ for audio and video equipment. It gives everyone a chance to experiment with High end equipment and know that there is always an aftermarket value for it.

Anyway, I have been told by a local Bryson dealer in my area that Bryston is a very neutral sounding amplifier. It excels at reproducing the signal fed to in with exceptional accuracy.

I would think that is the goal of all high end amplifiers, but I guess the Bryston is better at this area then most.

That is until you put up up against a good tube amp.