tubes for audible illusions mod 3

I was looking to see what tubes people use in the AI mod 3, it is a very popular preamp and want to see what people use.I use a Telefunken cc'a in the phono and a Siemens cc'a in the line stage My mod 3 has the gold phono board. I have a VTL mono 125 power amp with tesla j&j el34's and telefunken 12at7's driving alon 5's. The turntable is a basis 2001 with a graham 1.5t/c with a benz ruby and graham silver cable , power cords are cardas , cable between pre and power is cardas neutral ref. and speaker cable is apex. Oh I also have theta digital stuff but analog is king. thanks
I love the sound of Amperex Bugle Boys and Orange globe 6dj8's. But the naked, less is more design of the AI M3a I have, those tubes will last about a year. But I have found that using a pair 7DJ8 versions of the above tubes in the line stage (with 6922 Siemens in the phono), has been my solution! I have the same set of tubes for 2 years now! Still test very strong, with killer base, and all that Amperex "wet" soundstage. A nice combo for me.
When I owned an Audible 3 I liked the sound of the Gold Aero 7308s. When I had the 3A I thought the original 6922s sounded better.
Monk: I retubed a friend's 3A with the 7dj8/PCC88's (Siemens), but substituted old production Soviet 6922's from ATSI in the phono section. Maybe it was your post that I read over @ AA on this? Anyway, big improvement to the line stage, plus the phono section has a deeper sound stage/fuller mids as well. I will be shipping my last pair of the 7dj8's to another 3A owner (next week) and look forward to their comments as they have a very nice system to try them in. The first retube has been going strong for 8 months now.