What amp/pre-amp for my Klipschorns?

I just bought a pair of these classic speakers and would
like some recommendations on which amp and pre-amp
would sound best with these monsters. I would like to stay
in the $3000 or under range. I'm assuming tubes are the
way to go with their 104 db sensitivity rating.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
try out decware's 8 watt integrated amplifier
this amp has a very pure signal path and just tells you what's on the recording. 30 day guarantee. it'll take a few weeeks to build and ship.
I would reccomand the EAR products from England. Both the SE and push pull design.
Not exclusively tubes. One of the most impressive sounding set-up was NAD monoblocks and K-horns. But that was sometime in mid 80's, and nowdays choices are virtualy unlimited. You might be able to get nice SET amps, or even push-pull amplifier, but matching it with high quality pre-amp will be matter of chance. My suggestion would be Perreaux solid state Pre/amp that you can find discounted on the Audio Advisor web-site.

You just have to hear Carmina Borana with K-horns and high current amp! Good luck!
Go with a tube pre amp and a solid state amp. Those 15 inch woofers need the control of a solid state amp IMO. I used a conrad johnson pv 10 pre with them and it was no small improvement over a solid state pre,but when I tried a tube power amp, the bass got really loose and sloppy.Look for a used pv10a and a nice little solid state power amp, like a Mccormack dna.5. They really dont need much power,just a few GOOD watts. Happy hunting,
I have used various amps from 2A3 single ended thru 350 watt solid state. My present amp and favorite is the JJ 828, intigrated with (4) KT88's per channel. I find this gives the sweetness of tubes with good bass control of solid state. I get much better dynamics and control than the smaller tube amps I have tried with my Klipschhorns.