I have been udgrading for the last couple of years and I know what you mean about that harshness on the high end. You might consider the JM Lab speakers such as the Utopia Micro or Mini. I just bought the Mini's on audiogon and will be adding a REL subwoofer. These speakers have a very nice high end and are very open on vocals. I listened to many speakers including B&W's before I bought them. The metal dome tweeters on the B&W's are hard to tame. For low end the Mini's need a sub but are very enjoyable even without. Also, placement doesn't seem to be an issue. They sounded very good in a variety of positions.
I recently upgraded my CD player to a Cary 303 and am very impressed on the improvement in sound. It is very open, detailed has excellent extension and solves many of my complaints about high end harshness. I am now looking for other electronics. I have heard the Plinius and Sim Audio integrated and the Sim sounded better. It was more open, sweeter and musical. I have heard good things about the newer McIntosh integrateds but also have an interest the Conrad Johnson and YBA products.
I have been udgrading for the last couple of years and I know what you mean about that harshness on the high end. You might consider the JM Lab speakers such as the Utopia Micro or Mini. I just bought the Mini's on audiogon and will be adding a REL subwoofer. These speakers have a very nice high end and are very open on vocals. I listened to many speakers including B&W's before I bought them. The metal dome tweeters on the B&W's are hard to tame. For low end the Mini's need a sub but are very enjoyable even without. Also, placement doesn't seem to be an issue. They sounded very good in a variety of positions.
I recently upgraded my CD player to a Cary 303 and am very impressed on the improvement in sound. It is very open, detailed has excellent extension and solves many of my complaints about high end harshness. I am now looking for other electronics. I have heard the Plinius and Sim Audio integrated and the Sim sounded better. It was more open, sweeter and musical. I have heard good things about the newer McIntosh integrateds but also have an interest the Conrad Johnson and YBA products.