Opinions needed; which is a better choice and why?

My integrated amp died so I am now in the market for a replacement. I have always owned integrated amps, but have contemplated an PreAmp/Amp combo. I am interested in what is a better choice a high quality integrated amp or a preamp/amp combo? What are the pros and cons of either? In addition I would like to spend the same amount of money with either choice does this factor into the equation?
You will get as many different suggestions as there are replies & I suggest you make a decision based on what you hear. You need to audition as many different combinations as possible. With that said, then decide if you plan on upgrading in the future or if you'll likely stick with the same setup for awhile. If the latter, I suggest going with a higher quality int. as you'll have better performance spending the same money vs. separates, although there are exceptions to this. Then there is the question of used/new. Say if your budget was $3,000.00 you get some very nice separates used but couldn't touch even one of the pieces new. So, lots of considerations, although I personally would go for used separates.

Also keep in mind that separates require more connections & the possibility of upgrading PC's & IC's. Lots of variables here. I have an integrated second system which I'm very happy with but it'll never have the sonic qualities that my main system of separates has.

If your ultimate goal is the best sound possible & you're willing to do trial & error to get there, go with separates & have some fun. If you want the best possible sound right now & want to stick with it for some time, get an int. This is a very broad & generalized statement but is also meant as food for thought.
Speaking to your question about buying from Audiogon sellers: I have put together two systems, one for music and
one for HT primarily from used equipment for sale on this
site and have been more than satisfied with the results!
Sellers have been extremely helpful, and all the purchases
have been as described!
1.Associated equipment; lets just say I am completely rebuilding my system, I had tried the HT route and built a system that was unbearable in 2 channel and sold most of the equipment. I kept my CD player an old denon; which I plan to replace and my old Integrated which is now dead and a pair of Paradigm Mini monitors, which also need to go.
I have been listening to equipment nearby, but unfortunately there are not many high-end dealers in my area. I listened to the CJ CAV-50 integrated through Dynaudio Audience 122's with an EAD CD player (not sure model) which sounded great but was a little over my planned budget at the new price. I also have listed to the Bryston B60 integrated with a Rega Planet 2000 and B&W CDM 9NT, the soundstage was impressive but the setup was a little too bright for me, which I assumed was due to the B&W speakers.
I also listened to the Audio Refinement Complete Integrated, with the Complete CD player and Mirage OM5. I liked the sound but was not impressed with the speakers. So far my listening preferences tend towards a warmer sound I cannot handle a bright system at all! That is why I am thinking Tubes or Hybrid.

2. Listening room leaves a lot to be desired! I rent a 75-year-old flat that has leaded glass window everywhere. I do not have a dedicated listening area here but I will not be living hear forever. I am planning on putting the system in the living room with the back of the system facing a wall of windows. I planned on covering the windows with a large hanging rug. There will be no side walls as the living room is in between the dining room and solarium and the speakers will face the couch which will be set in front of the fire place. The ceiling is probably 11 ft with coffered corners and the room is probably 15x12. It is obviously that a system will not sound its best here but I am planning on buy a house with a dedicated listening room in the not to distant future.

3. Musical preferences; I like a wide variety of music, I like artists such as Jessie Cook, Gypsy Kings, or groups such as Tool. I enjoy Blues,Classical,Hard Rock, Bag Pipe Music, pretty much anything except for Rap music.

4 My budget is not set in stone but I would like to get as best sounding system as possible for around $3500 for source (CD or SACD), amplification, speakers. I expect other expenses for cables etc. I would like to spend more but I also would like to stay married!

Sorry to be so long winded but I hope this helps give some background info to respond to.
I would appreciate any input you can offer!
Todays integrateds are so good I think that is the way to go.
Something like a Creek or a Rogue.

Put your money into speakers that match your room and a good source.
As Jadem6 says, dollar for dollar you'll get more from an integrated than separates. A major virtue of separates, however, is flexibility, especially at upgrade time. For example, should you ever want to get into multichannel, with a power amp you've already got 2 channels of amplification. Of course, if your integrated is externally coupled, that also buys upgrade flexibility.