Good upgrade amp for my Thiel 3.6s

My apologies if this has been pondered already. I did a quick search of the site for 3.6s and didn't find a similar thread.

I'm looking for opinions on what amp would seriously upgrade my sound from where it is currently. I have a KSA-150 driving the 3.6s.

I've heard people say that 3.6s can sound even better with more power and a dealer recommended 200W/channel as a minimum for them.

He was showing me the Classe Cam350s. Are monoblocks the way to go, or is there a killer stereo amp out there that's not in the price leagues of Boulder?

Obviously, I'm sure there's plenty of great choices, but I'd like to keep costs somewhat reasonable. I know the Classes retail for $7K for the pair. I was hoping to stay at $4K or under, but won't rule out the 350s if they really make a noticeable difference.

I had always heard that Thiel and Levinson are a match. I had been running a Levinson 27 with my old Thiel CS3's. I recently picked up a pair of 3.6's and, with the 27 (100 watts), there seemed to be something lacking.
I just (literally yesterday) added a Levinson 333 (300 watts) to the 3.6's and it made a HUGE difference. With sensitivity at 83db, they need POWER!
Now, they are remarkably improved -- soundstage, detail, both in the highs and the bass, clarity, etc. If you don't mind buying used, like I did, the 333 is in your price range. You could probably even find one, like mine, still under warranty.
I had been looking for a 332 (200 watts) and had even asked Wes Phillips by e-mail what he thought would be the way to go, including some options for tube monos, like the VTL's. He thought the 332 with the Thiels would be, in his word, "super." I was lucky enough to find a 333 someone was selling, used, for the price of a used 332 and jumped on it. I called Madrigal, first, and they gave me the "in service" date for warranty purposes and checked to see if there was any history on it.
I highly recommend the Levinson, but, whichever way you go, definitely MORE POWER!
I would think that you'd want an amp that was not inherently bright sounding as the Thiel 3.6s can be very revealing. I can highly recommend the McCormack DNA2 or DLX or any of the SMc Revisions. The DNA2 puts out 300/600/1200 wpc into 8,4, and 2 Ohms, and these are probably conservative ratings. The DNA2 amps are "giant killers" well beyond their original $4300-5000. MSRPs. The DNA2s can be found used in the $2400.-$2800. range. I use a DNA2DX Rev. A with Vand. 5 speakers-- the 5s don't need all that power, but your 3.6s could use it.

BTW, McCormack Audio now has the DNA-500 out (that's 500 wpc 8 Ohms), but I've yet to see it advertised used. Peter Moncrief of IAR declared it "the best amplifier on the planet"-- $6700. new I think. Good Luck and Cheers. Craig
I own a pair of 3.6 Thiels. I use a Classe CA-301 to drive them effortlessly. The amp gives me plenty of slam and is very musical. I definitely recommend three hundred watts minimum no matter what you decide. Try NBS or MIT Reference cabling too.
I used to own a Thiel CS3.6 myself being driven by a Krell FPB200, that was a good match with NBS Monitor series cabling. The FPB series Krell amps in my opinion is a good match for the Thiels with the right cabling and room acoustics I have not heard any amp that comes even close.
I think the perfect thing would be the brand new high power Musical Fidelity amp the 'A300cr' (don't confuse it withthe 'A300' integrated amp). This sells new for around $3400. THe whole A-cr series have been amazing, detailed but not overly bright. This on has all the design features of the NuVista amps, but with solid state noise-floor and convenience. I use the lower power A3cr and would definately switch if $$$ allowed. I believe you can try one at home with a 30-day return from any of the US MF dealers.