amp help - joule - transcendent - berning - atma

i am looking for the next level in amps (i currently have rogue 120s) looking at joule stargate; transcendent t8ln
david berning 270 or atma-sphere m602.2.

componet list:
joule la 150 with opus phono stage
vpihw19m3/fr64fx/shelter 501
pioneer trans- birdland dac
mac 67
merlins vsm-m bb
diy cables all the way around

anybody heard any combos of these amps??? anything else to look at 6k budget. no dealers in my area have this equipment to demo.

If you could find a used Convergent JL2 I would add that to your list, I heard the Merlins with that amp and it was very magical, though I think the Merlins mate up well with most any moderate powered tube amp. Pay close attention to atma-sphere as well, not many people are famaliar with there gear but those who are really like it, many people prefer the sound of OTL amps in there systems, so pay close attention to Atma. Good luck and I hope you get to hear all of them in your system.

Well... difficult question and I cannot say I am the one to answer it because I do not have extensive listening with any of the above amps and then there is always the problem of system/room effect on the particular amp. I will make a comment because it seems you have narrowed down the field without ever listening to any of them which I think is generally not a good idea.

Generally, I do not think the buying the "next level" of anything helps much because there isn't one. There is no "absolute sound" despite what the magazine cover says. You can go up in price but that doesn't always help either. A lot of the really expensive stuff is sad indeed. There is a post right now at about some speakers that retail at $90,000 and they are a joke.

Why not just buy what sounds good to you?

It looks like you are considering some "exotic" amps. The typical OTLs are nice but they are not new and like anything else have their compromises. Bernings OP stage is apparently new and I must say I do not understand the radio frequency impedence converter that replaces the opt in the output stage and probabaly few people do. He is obviously some kind of a genius. However, despite the OP stage's novelty the amp relies on other design choices that you may or may not like. The drive stage, for example, uses a cathode follower directly driving the power triode grid, which technically seems great, but is not new and at least some folk think this circuit design choice imparts a certain sound which you may or may not like. The OP stage is not going to change this choice of driver design. The point is that you cannot really buy an expensive amp because it's output stage is newest in town. Well you can, but I am not sure it's a good idea.

It's late at night here and I tend to babble a lot the later it gets.

Cheers, have fun with the new amp whatever it is. Hope it Sounds good to you.

Sincerely, I remain
good advice clueless.
didn't say what you were looking for in an amp upgrade...sweeter sound, more air, better bass?
it's difficult to make a system sound much better by adding something on the 'back end'...just different.
perhaps lower power is what you are looking for. if you have a small room, you don't need all the rogue's power. in that case, the newer joule single ended w/ transformer amp is a nice choice at a reasonable price (off the top of my head)...and a match with the preamp.
the problems with otls and so on is that you'll end up changing your sources because you'll find out the amp is too revealing!
i really appreciate the is very sound (no punn intended) i "think" my systems lacks a little pratt. it is extremely musical....maybe a little slow. i want to seek some advice as i will keep the rogues and a-b them against the other amp; trying to see if anyone has had similar gear and can narrow the field. thanks jim