Amp Suggestions For A Newbie - Please

I am upgrading my system. New to components. Live in an apartment house. Listening space is relatively small. Considering either B&W 602s or Paradigm V20s. Very much into jazz and classical (acoustic). Wish to achieve good clarity, distinction and presence with my new system. A depth to the music. Looking for the strongest amp candidates for the abovementioned speakers. Obviously lots of power is not a requirement just quality and character of sound. Either New or Used Amp suggestions are fine. Budget: $500/$600. (If you feel I would get equivalent results from an integrated Amp, let me know that, too. Appreciate both your time, input and thoughts.
my vote is the anthem amp 1. you might want to look at some spendor speakers; our musical tastes are close and these imo a better musical sound.

a tube integrated might be the way to go; vtl; arc or rogue would do nicely....a little higher than your amp budget but if you need a might be the way to go.

good luck

I "downsized" one of my systems to an Audio Refinement Complete (ARC) driving B&W DM602s2. I preferred the B&W's over the Paradigms. While the ARC will work with the B&W's I would not recommend this combo unless you have a good, smooth front end as it is capable of revealing any problems. If you want a more forgiving sound, try an NAD integrated amp.
Fullrun, you might want to take a look at a Sonic Frontiers Anthem Integrated 2 that is up for sale on Audiogon. The seller wants $650 for it. To be honest, I don't know a thing about this integrated, but based on the good reviews by forum members of Sonic Frontiers/Anthem products, it may be worth it to research this piece. Good luck!
I am currently using paradigm studio 20's with an anthem integrated. Very nice. I personally don't care for the B&W line until you get up to the CDM series. I owned the next step down from that (CM) series and didn't like it. I've also spent time with the 602's. I can't pinpoint exactly what I didn't like. Just that the paradigms had more of what I like. I was using parasound amps for a while, but switched to the anthem integrated and am much more happy with that.