What's the best sounding SS or Tube linestage pre?

Hi All,
I've got to finally break down and buy a pre-amp. Any suggestions on which sounds best? I listened to the Adcom GFP-750 and it sounded pretty nice. Please use that as a reference point and go from there. (Just as good for less money....better for a little more?)

I'd like to know about both SS AND Tube pre's. I'm definitly interested in good VALUE too (not necessarily low price, but want good bang for the buck). I don't need bells and whistles (not even a remote) and only need it for one source (SACD-CD).

Thanks for your comments and Happy Listening!
The very best linestage preamplifier I have ever heard is the Boulder 2010. Since, as you stated in your post, you are looking for "not necessarily low price," this may be just be just the item for you (retail is ~$35k).
Gthrush1, i hardly think that anyone, regardless of income level, would place a $35K component on their short list of "good values".

Sugar, as to the SW piece, i'm not really in the market for a preamp right now. As i said, it was strictly a matter of curiosity. I've had some of his older original PS designs and was wondering how far he had progressed. I'm sure that he has come quite a ways, as parts quality itself has improved pretty drastically. Sean
Get the new Bent Audio Transformer based volume control (Stevens & Billington TX102 transformers, Seiden switch), it is basically a quality passive that doesn't have the impedance matching problems of resistor based passives.

It looks simple to build and the people on audioasylum who have tried TVCs have been very happy (I am still thinking).
Bang for the buck -- Krell KBL --
I used it in my system for almost 10 years. I replaced it with the Krell KRC-HR primarily for the remote capability. The KRC-HR is better, but as far as the bang for the buck, buy the KBL. (by the way, my system cost over $50K)