Is there a difference between AR Complete & YBA In

Are the YBA Integre and the Audio Refinement Complete the same amps in different clothing? I am thinking about getting the Integre (single transformer), but have heard that the Complete may have the same components.

Aside from cosmetics and country of assembly are there any major technical differences that warrant the jump in price?

Would I be better off getting the Complete in this price range as compared to the Creek 5350se, MF A3, Classe Cap 101, etc?

One final question, is paying the extra money for the YBA Integre worth it considering there is an upgrade path?

No more questions... thanks
The Integre uses Double C Transformers which cost 3 to 5 times what toroidal transformers cost.
I think that Job only has one or two dealers in the US and sells mostly by mail order.
I own a DT Integre and I have used the Complete. The build quality of the Complete is very good, but not up to the Integre. For example: the RCA input jacks on the back of the Integre are very high quality. On the Complete, they are just like what you find on a NAD or Rotel product. The control knobs on the Compete are kind of loose, and also feel like a NAD or Rotel product. The Integre controls are firm and solid like other high end products. I am sure the electronics are very good on the Complete, it sure sounds like it. They have to cut corners somewhere to sell it for so much less.
Thanks Sugarbie,

Just curious, is the build quality of the YBA Integre the only thing that swayed you to get it over the Complete? Does the Integre have better sonics ie, soundstaging, bass extension, precision and tone?

The dealer also tells me that the Integre is MUCH better than the Complete.

Speaking of build quality how is the reliability of the YBA products in general?
The comparison asked by you at the top was between the Complete and the Integre I assume. I have a Integre DT in my small home office system. DT is for dual transformer. It outclasses the Complete in resolution of low frequency information and bass extension. I think it goes back to my 4 ohm comment about. The single Integre has the same 4 ohm performance, but is not as dynamic as the DT. The second transformer really makes a difference. The DT sounds much bigger than the 50 watts it is. Also things like vocals and piano sound much more "real" with the DT. Stereophile has the DT in Class A, the Complete in Class B. The DT without phono now lists for $2350. I have MM phono on mine which lists for 2500. With MC phono is $2750. There is a used DT with MM phono listed for $1500 on Audiogon now, and a Complete with remote for $700.

The following was copied from someone elses review, but it sums it up well. (Aaron from McLean, VA) From the full review, it appears Aaron is right on point by using the single Integre, not the DT, but I can't be sure. If you go to under the Complete, you could eMail Aaron and ask.

I must say that the Complete offers incredible sound for $1000. It has quick pacing and keeps up with whatever music you throw at it. It has a very revealing soundstage, keeping the instruments and vocals hovering right where they should be. It's almost holographic, giving you the sense of depth and ambience. Due to its quickness details are extracted for you to hear clear as day. The highs are also very nice, the have a sheen to the sound and are very extended, leaving all of the music information there for you to enjoy. Now, the weakness. What you sacrifice for the strengths above is the bass reproduction. It's tricky to say in words but the bass is there. You here the sound of bass but aren't offered the depth, weight, or realism of bass. Due to this the overall sound of the Complete is hollow or thin sounding. There is no weight to the quick sound. This prevents the Complete from giving the music the "it is there in front of you" sound. You know, complete realism. But for $1000, should I ask it to? Of course not!

Hears where the YBA makes the step up.
The YBA is rated at the same 50 watts per channel but offers one of the most realistic bass response I've heard with any product. This absolutely incredible sense of weight to the music is added. For the first time I actually felt like the music was in front of me. I don't mean the kind that
comes from "If I close my eyes and sit with my head exactly in between the speakers and say yeah, that sounds like what a drum should sound like." I mean that the instruments where tonally precise. The vocals where uncanny. The soundstage was hologrphic. I no longer had to look for it in the music it freakin jumped out and told me what music should sound like. I could no longer find any significant flaws, I didn't question the sound. It was all right there for me to enjoy.