As one who was there, I would have to say that the difference in sound between the two amps was not subtle - the Tenors were clearly the more satisfying. I think tubegroovers comments about Mike's system are right on point - it has been assembled as an organic whole, with a clear purpose, and Mike has, through both luck and effort, achieved a wonderful sounding system - really magical at times (we listened to a 45prm recording of Louis Armstrong performing St James Infirmary that lingers in memory, wonderful even there, as the best recorded music expereince I have ever had).
My main purpose in taking the Berning over there (other than as an excuse to hear some good music on a great system) was curiousity about just how good the Berning would sound with components that gave it no place to hide. I certainly did not expect it to sound better than an amp costing 4x as much in a system built around that amp.
What I did discover, to my delight, is that the Berning sounded great. I can build around it by upgrading my other components for quite a ways up the ladder before having to make a change in the amplifier, because I have quite a ways to go before the Berning is the weak link. I have only been at this about 18 months, and so am enjoying the journey quite a bit. They are many roads to Rome, and many combinations of components to create a great system. Refining those choices is a lot of fun, not to mention listening to some great music and meeting terrific people like Mike. This has been a rewarding thread for me, as well, because I have gotten to know some other Berning owners.