Receivers 500 and under?

Need to replace a worn out receiver. Any recommendations in the $500 and under range? At this price point I think that separates are not available. Speakers are Spendor Preludes and the music listened to is mostly classical and jazz.
I recently purchased a system for a friend which included a NAD C-370 integrated ( driving Maggie MMG's). Outstanding amp, I was completely surprised by how good it sounds. If you don't necessarily need the tuner, this is something you might consider. Around $500.
Don't buy a home theater receiver unless you want a home theater (at least eventually). There are always compromises when you pack more things into a single box, and there's no sense paying to pack things you don't even need.

Among 2-channel receivers in the sub-$500 range, you're pretty much restricted to the major Japanese brands, unless NAD has something. Among the mass-marketers, you probably won't find major differences in amp sections. Tuners are location-sensitive, however, so if radio's important to you (I presume it is or you would have asked about integrated amps), take each one you're interested home and try the tuner out.
Check out the "Outlaw Saloon" at for user comments on every imaginable topic concerning the 1050 receiver. An amazing piece of equipment for $499 (plus $34 shipping)! You might be able to pick up a used one for about $400 on A'gon but such opportunities are rare.
The Preludes are great speakers. I wish they were still made.
You should be able to get a 2 channel NAD receiver for around $500. Have not heard the Outlaw mentioned above, but I have heard the NAD and it probably competes with about anything solid state under $1k, provided you're not trying to drive less than a 4 ohm load.