best 50 watt tube amplifier?

in your opinion what is the best 50 or + watt tube amplifier made currently?
Atma-sphere M60-MkII.2 (60+ watts depending on speaker impedance). You'll have to use one of the Atma-sphere preamps for best results, though! The money goes into product circuitry and quality components, NOT advertising and marketing budget. Happy Tunes!

If changed slightly to 'best 50 watt tube amplifier for the money?', my vote goes to the Sonic Frontiers Power 1. I'm getting great sound, and it's darn close to eye candy with the tube cage off.

Minor negatives: Runs pretty hot. Transformer hum (not via speakers) can be heard from listening position (but not while music playing).

Audio Research VT-50. 45 Watt version of the VT-100. Definitely worth a listen as long as you are not looking for the soft warm tubey sound.
Well I have tried quite a few and I finally settled in the Audio Aero Capitole.As a dealer I have had the opportunity to try a good deal of amps,and without a doubt this has to rate as one of the best.A true gem.