Levinson or Krell

I am currently putting a seperate listening room in my home and have listen to a wide variety of equipment. I have a pair of Wilson Watt Puppy 6's and I am currently shopping for amplification. I also own a Mark Levinson 38s pre and a Wadia 270 transport\Wadia 27ix dac. I have heard the Krell 350mcx's on the Wilsons and like the sound very much however I have heard lots of good things about Levinson 33H's paired with these speakers. I have yet to hear the Wilson/Levinson combo and I am open for suggestion.
The 33H would probably be more on the "musical" side while a bigger Krell more on the analytical. I state this with reservations as I have heard your speakers with Krell 600 & A-R, side by side. The ML I heard with other speakers, so I'm extrapolating. Also pls note, I judge by classical music. Your gear is in the big league though! Cheers.
I have'nt heard the Krell 350's but as a general rule Krell's don't seem to be as musical and can be fatiguing over time. However these differences are small and may not bother your ears.
Also try out the Proceed which is a cheaper version of Levinson and is also very good.
I'm happy driving my W/P 6's with Pass X600 monoblocks. The Pass's have pure, smooth, liquid midrange and treble ranges and are OK if not great in the bass. This is a good fit with the W/P 6 which tends to be a little hot and very revealing in the midrange and treble. I don't think they need a lot of help in the bass, so the Pass's are fine. The X600s put out more power than I need for the relatively efficient W/P 6's, so maybe a smaller Pass would be more appropriate. I listened to the Levinsons and thought they were a little veiled or laid back. The Krells sounded a little colored, especially in the bass regions, amazingly for a product at this price level.
I have heard both extensively. The Wilsons are very revealing speakers but a little on the dry side by themselves, in combination with the Krell they get pretty analytical and fatiguing after a while. However being this a matter of preferences, I acknowledge that many people like this combination. I have a good friend that has it with also a Krell cdp/pre unit, extremely revealing but a little bright arid and fatiging. You have a much better front end (one of the best) so should'nt be as much.

Levinson gear on the other hand, would give you a more musical and less analytical/fatiguing presentation. However if you want to really get your system to play music, do your self a favor and try the Lamm M1.1 hybrid monoblocks. They are mainly solid state amps. with superb punch and a single tube in the gain stage that will give you an superbly musical presentation with all the virtues that any Krell or Levinson gear may offer and much more,check it out.

If for any unthinkable reason you are not convinced with Lamm, other worthy alternatives and better matches with your speakers would be Jeff Rowland (specially the old gear, 8Ti and 9Ti) or Ayre. But please, whatever you do, stay away from Transparent cables which tend often to be combined with the Wilson/Krell combos, (more brightness into your system) unless of course, that is your prefered sound, in that case just go ahed and remember is the music that matters, enjoy it.