Suggestions on Tube Pre-amp. Please

I looking for a used Tube Pre-amp 1000-1500.00.It will be matches with a Aragon 8008bb Amp pushing Tyler Ref.Monitors.
I have read a few review that describe the aragon sound as tad warm and darker. Sould I be looking for a Pre that is more detailed than tube like.
Models that I have concidered. Rouge Audio 66
Audible Illusions 3a

Good to hear that you plan on going with the Rogue 66! If you decide to upgrade the Rogue to a Magnum, all you have to do is call them first and then send the unit to Rogue. I upgraded my Rogue 99 to the Magnum and feel like it was a VERY worthwhile upgrade. Good luck and keep us posted.
Oh Well. Just heard from owner of the Rogue he already has a buyer. Iam sure another will come along. If anyone knows where I can find one used on the net let me know.

A used Kora Eclipse betters anything mentioned here so far. It offers fabulous resolution, holographic imaging & well defined soundstage; smooth extended highs. deep tuneful lows and mids that are as palpable as anything I've ever heard.

Like all Kora gear it also has an intangible quality -- an ability to bring the essence of the music to life.
I second the Kora Eclipsh. I also thinks it great. I put nos 1967 semmins gold pin tubes in it and dont think it can be beat at its price point IMHO.
Hey Gang
The Kora looks very interesting I will have to do some more research on this model.
I have another question. There is a Rogue 66 for sale now for 600.00 no remote or mangum upgrade. What if I purchased that unit and liked it could I send it back to Rogue Audio for the remote and Mangum upgrade. If it doesn't work I could just sell it or should I just purchase one new. I don't think Rogue Audio offers a 30 Trial period.
