Suggestions on integrated tube amps?

Hi, I am looking for a good integrated tube amp. Looking to spend $1000-$1500, if possible. (Willing to buy used.) I just got some nice Audio Physic Sparks and was wondering if anyone had ideas for something that would go particularly well with them. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot.
Audition the Audiomat Arpege (EL34s). It comes in used here at Agon from $1200-1350. Excellent sound. 30W per channel. A friend has one on a pair of 90db (close to yours) sensitivity speakers (Northcreek) and it's very nice. Do buy used.

Only thing clearly better at that price is DIY if you like to solder a little.

You may be able to pick up a Manley Stingray for close to that. One of the very best tube intergrated period!
You should take a look at Jadis Orchestra integrated amp (30 watts/channel). I have one for use as a second system in my bedroom, and it sounds terrific. For info, you can find it in Jadis' website. Used price on Audiogon is in your range.
I had an opportunity to buy a Magnum Dynalab MD208 receiver a year ago. Being unimpressed with it after two or three days of listening, I had been using it with a backround (fm) system. After reading reviews in 'phile and others, which reported that it took months for the amp pre-amp to settle in , and seeing it's class "A" rating this year, I decided to give it a long term audition.

It is now, at least temporarily, in my main system. There is not question that the fm section outperforms the MD Etude separate tuner I was using. As far as the amp section is concerned, it doesn't quite produce that last bit of emotion that my Aleph 3 and Audible Illusions L1 did, but makes up in part far more power and dynamic enthusiasm. Since I am moving into a much larger house, and plan to use a pair of Maggie 3.6, as well as getting back into vynl, the Aleph 3 just would not cut it. I am so impressed with the 208 that I 'm going to give it a try with the new speakers in this larger listening room. On the used market, this unit is an absolute steal at $1500-1700. Check it out.