I agree with Driver about the Pass Aleph P. I used to be a die hard tube fanatic. Why? Because they sounded so much smoother and were more revealing with my ribbon speakers than with any solid state component I had heard. Then a friend, who builds amps commercially, twisted my arm very hard, trying to get me to audition the solid state Pass X amp and a Pass pre amp. I tried his suggestion halfway. Following the common wisdom found in the posts above I chose to use a tube pre with the Pass X amp. It was pretty darn good, but not as transparent as I knew ribbons speakers can be. Swallowing hard, I bought a Pass Aleph P and completed the set like my friend had wanted. Now I can only describe my system as "reference," meaning the whole system gets out of the way of the music. I still think that the best cd player is a tubed cd player; Pass doesn't make a cd player.