Preamp recommendation pre amp

I am looking to buy a preamp and would need some suggestion.

Currently my system is:

B&W Nautilus 802
Mcintosh 352 (Solid State)
CD/Pre Mark Levinson 39
Speaker cables MIT Oracle V3 (RCA)
IC MIT V3.1 balanced
No special power cords, I am not sure how the power line is but can say the wiring is rather old.

Positives: sound stage, details, layering, liquid mids and good bass.

Negatives: Highs are a bit grainy/edgy and a tad lean, mids sometimes tends to be a bit lean too.

I was thinking of trying the following Preamps:
ML 380s

Would appreciate comments on these preamps and also other preamps that you all think would be a good match for my system.

How useful will be a good power cord/conditioner in my setup?


What about the new McIntosh 2200 tube pre amp? I thought it sounded very nice and would probably solve your current problems and would work very well with your current McIntosh amp. I also like the Conrad Johnson gear but the Mac choice may have better synergy....just a thought.
I think the placement of your B&W N802 contributes a lot to the sound you hear now. Try to hear N802 in less than a meter, you'll see N802s sound very different from leanness.
Get yourshelf a Conrad Johnson Premier 17LS which will match with McIntosh power amp but I suggest you to step up to the McIntosh MC602 SS or MC2102 vacuum tube. I have ownwed 17LS and MC2102 for a year and I still love their sound. The more you listen to the more you like. They are simple incredible and awesome match but you should connect them with a pure silver ICs like Kimber Kable Select 1030.