Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi melbguy1, welcome back to the thread, have you got your new Jorma cables yet?, I still would like to read your review of the new Jorma statement cables you are buying into, I have been enjoying my Tara labs cables hugely, I recently did a test that may interest you, the test was shocking and a suprise actually, I always wanted to know why bi-amp speaker jumper cables was so short, 8 to 16 inches, now I know why all cable brands make them short, my jumper cables are special order from Tara labs, they are NOT on the Tara labs web-site, the main science behind these Omega 10" jumpers is that the conductors around the small diameter air tubes is spaced configured in the same helix outlay as my Omega Gold speaker cables, they do not have the girth as my omega Gold speaker cables, as it turns out, no need for it, importantly, everything else is the same!, since the Tara labs The one speaker cables have more conductors and bigger air tube, I thought why not try them as jumper cables, they are 6ft long, but NOT with the same conductor outlay as the Omega jumpers or omega speaker cables, talking about a wow factor, The One 6ft speaker cables used as jumper cables was a failure!, I lost a huge amount of bass on the sub woofers section in the cabinet of my speakers, the imageing on the off axis sound was gone, I did get a little more forward sound of the presatation, but when I swapped back the Tara labs Omega Jumpers, it was like wala!, I had the complete total magic back, I cannot explain as to why I lost most of my bass useing the one speaker cables in this position, other than they must have sucked to much current from the bottom post for being to long, istead of 10 inches, with the jumpers, the sound stage was huge and layered, very deep and wide and tall, imageing on off axis was superb, bass was like a bomb going off, with defined accuracy that was unbelievable to behold, I did this yesaterday, so the Tara labs Omega Jumpers are very special indeed, they have transformed my speakers into a much, much more costly sound!, at the end of the day, I am very impressed by the omega jumpers and Happy with them, and I know I am one of very few in the U.S.A. that have these!, cheers david, good to see you.
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You're welcome. I can think of 3 low-cost things you might want to try.

1. Try making your own HFTs. Placement is crucial.

2. Try putting Tupperware-style containers filled with sand under components.

3. Try putting copper sleeves over IECs and plugs. You need to experiment here. Some locations work very well. Other locations may not work well.
calvinj, did you read my post to you on 9-26-14?, do you still have the ressonence Mirus dac?, how is that coming along?, which Hf digital cable are you ueing with it?