Any owner thoughts on the Belle 350A amp?


I have been looking for a new amp and the Belles 350a has peaked my interest. What are your thoughts for those who own this amp and others you compared it to? Other amps of interest would be the Sim W5, Blue Circle BC 8 monoblocks or Herron 150 amp. I am currently using the Herron VTSP-1A pre amp so input impedence is a possible issue to consider. Thanks.
Haven't heard the Belles or Sim amps, but have been able to audition the BC8s and Herron 150s with the Herron VTSP-1A, which I also own. First these are both great amps, and in the end the choice is really a matter of personal preferences.

To my ear the Blue Circle's are a bit more extended and detailed, the Herron's warmer and more organic. Both image very well with wide, deep soundstages. You didn't mention your speakers, mine are the Von Schweidert VR5-HSEs.
Thanks for the responses. I forgot to mention that my speakers are JM Lab Mini Utopia's and I am still on the amp search.
I respect bob and admire his posts but I can't help thinking that something else was amiss in his experience with the Belles amps. I've never heard them called dark before and they've certainly never sounded dark in my system....which is likewise pretty detailed and revealing.

Just demonstrates how radically different the same gear can sound in different setups, doesn't it?

Anyway, I am quite happy using the Belles 350a to power my Mezzo Utopias so...if there is a family might be equally pleased with your Minis.

Good luck and let us know what you decide.
