Any opinions on NAD quality?

As with nearly all listeners, I believe the NAD sound to be just about the tops for the money expended. However, I have heard reports of quality control issues (nothing specific) to the point of being much worse than other manufacturers. Along with a lot of other audio equipment, I own a NAD c 740 receiver, less than a month old, and so far it's working quite well. Still, I wonder what's ahead.

Yes, the CD skipping has nothing to do with the CDs themselves. Just last night I was listening to a Stacey Kent CD that skipped. It had never done so before. When I reversed the CD to before the place it skipped, it then played fine. This happens about once a month, and with different CDs. It's definitely something going on in the player. At one time I thought it was static building up, but that's not the problem, particularly in light of other owner's comments.

As for the NAD C370 and bass issue, I never meant to imply (in my comments above or in my Review of the Plinius) that the NAD is somehow deficient. On the contrary. I think the NAD packs a wallop, and is underated/underappreciated. However, I simply feel that the Plinius' bass is better (and it damn well should be considering the price tag!).

I have both the Plinius and the NAD; the latter sits proudly as the centerpiece of System #2 (NAD, Tannoy).

A dealer in my area told me to consider Rotel over NAD because of just the kinds of problems listed above - and he doesn't sell either product.

I ended up buying some used Rotel stuff that I'm happy with so far.
I like the NAD on the whole, but am going to make the switch soon. Probably to Arcam, but the decision is not final (plenty of time for you to steer me elsewhere!).
Nad makes great, affordable, "starter" hi-end gear...what more can one say? If u can afford all means...go for it...but you will have to spend 3x the cost to surpass the Classic line of intergrated amps...which basically brings u to the Bryston b-60...
I agree with you Phasec.. I recommend NAD to everyone who is getting into mid- and high-fi. I just spent the morning comparing the 521i cdp with a high-end tube cdp (BAT). The BAT runs circles around the NAD, but it is one example (IMO) of the extra cost NOT being worth it. For the most part, the NAD can stand it's ground.

There are things I like a little better than NAD, some not. Some I can afford, most not!