Pre-Amp sound similar to Conrad Johnson

Is there a preamp outhere that sound like conrad johnson warm smooth and sweet but still have the detail without sounding muddy but using xlr interconnect any info will be greatly appreciated.
The Blue Circle 21 is good (although I have only auditioned it in an all BC setup and not mine), as are the Classe preamps, as far as warmth and musicality are concerned. Did you want tube or ss? However, my favorites are still the McIntoshes. They have the most impressive soundstage, sweetness, and clarity (awesome noise specs). I just love my little C712 - it is addicting. I temporarily swapped it out with the classe c35 and still like the 712 better (although to be fair, the c35 is cheaper). I like simple preamps. Besides, I love the Mc glass and knobs rather than pitiful little buttons so many pres have. The classe remote is much nicer than the Mcs but the sound is what I am most interested in. The XLR connections make a noteable difference but it is tough to compare directly with RCA since the cables are inherently different. I can't for the life of me figure out why CJ won't offer xlr. Oh well... Anyway, you cannot go wrong with any of these IMO and which to get will ultimately be personal taste. (with the C712, I use McIntosh mc7100, Sony ES, Paradigm Reference 100.2, all MIT cables).
I have an Air Tight Pre that sounds very transparent and liquid, not at all muddy. I'm pairing it with a c-j 11A amp and the combo sounds great. Happy listening!
Thank you for all the responses, yes looking for tube pre-amp current using bat vk-30se don't get me wrong but it is a beautiful sounding just looking for something more warmer and sweet, just wish the cj offer the xlr but they are very stubborn.

Why what is the big deal about XLR? If you enjoy the CJ sound then enjoy it and don't worry about XLR/RCA.

I have also been taken in by the CJ sound. Almost bought the LS16...Until I heard the Pass Labs X-1 pre. At its price-point it is every bit as sweet as the corresponding CJ, but is MUCH clearer, more detailed and open, and thrives on balanced interconnect. My opinion, of course.