Amp/Preamp Synergy for 6K Used

Setting aside for the moment the question of speakers and front-end, if you were going to start a tube system with an eye toward synergy between amp and preamp (with remote) and had a budget of about $6K USED for these two pieces, where would your path lead you? Must have quality phono stage for a mostly vinyl playback system - NO HT.
IMHO synergy between amp and your speakers of choice is more important. I would start with Speaker – Amp pair and then selected preamp and front end.
Generally speaking I would stay with products of the same manufacturer. I lived with BAT Vk-5i + Vk-60 + Vk-P5(phonostage) for a while. Works very well with moderate to high sensitivity speakers. Could be had for slightly over $5000. You will have some money left for tube upgrade, interconnects etc.
I had an Ayre V3 and K3 w/phono section and thought they were amazing together. They ran Vienna Acoustics Beethovens and I used a Linn LP-12 turntable. The Ayre's are available for good discounts used. I sold them and downsized to an ARC tube integrated w/small monitor speakers.
If I had the dollars the CJ 12's and 16 preamp for sale right now on Audiogon would be GONE and in my room. I can't imagine bettering that combo without massive dollars.

Have fun
Thanks for the responses, so far. I don't seem to hear many recommendations for CJ products on this site. Why is that?