Amp/Preamp Synergy for 6K Used

Setting aside for the moment the question of speakers and front-end, if you were going to start a tube system with an eye toward synergy between amp and preamp (with remote) and had a budget of about $6K USED for these two pieces, where would your path lead you? Must have quality phono stage for a mostly vinyl playback system - NO HT.
If I had the dollars the CJ 12's and 16 preamp for sale right now on Audiogon would be GONE and in my room. I can't imagine bettering that combo without massive dollars.

Have fun
Thanks for the responses, so far. I don't seem to hear many recommendations for CJ products on this site. Why is that?
Rather than separates, consider going with the new BAT integrated. It has tubes, phono stage, remote and it fits within your budget (new w/ warranty). Assuming you like the BAT family sound, synergy clearly won't be a problem. It will also allow you to save on an interconnect.
$6K for an integrated? I've always heard of the compromises to expect with integrateds. How is this one different? I assume you refer to the VK-300x. Sounds good from the literature, but I am a bit skeptical about the modular desgin - adding super tubes, phono stage, remote, etc.