Audio research M 300 mkII vs Classic 150 triode,

I have to confess, I have a fealty to Audio Research. that having said, I am tormented as which I should purchase for my Martin Logans Monolith II. I listened to Jazz and RB music. I like both amplifiers, however I am told that there are frequencies roll off at the top(high frequency) and bottom ends(low frequency) for amps in the Triode mood?(Classic 150). Is this true. I have about 10 days to complete my purchase. Audion audiophiles have been of tremendous assistance to me.

Anyone know how M300 vs Classic 150 taste test might do with Magneplanar Tympani Iva's?

Or biamped with a Levinson 23.5?
Cw, my recollection on the Maggies is that they need a lot of power to sound their best. If that's right, you might be better served by the M300s, but I'm only guessing here.
You could buy the M300s, and later have them switched to triode operation by ARC. I had the M300s in triode driving the upper panels of my IRS Betas and they had more than enough power and sounded great!