which amp for legacy focus

i have owned these focus for three years and love them. I am driving them behind a legacy power amp. I am getting to the point where i want to take these speakers to the next level. I am considering a new amp or two. Biamping interests me. I have auditioned a krell ???(250 watts),mcintosh 352,(350 watts)and the bryston 14sbt(500 watts) as singles and a couple of bryston 4sbt's(250 watts each) as duals. As no local dealer has the focus speakers I can not audition on the speakers until purchase. The biamping in theory makes sense I am just not sure if the extra $$$ is worth it. There is approx a $1500 difference bewtween the single amps and the biamps. Any comments and opinions?
I have a pair of Legacy 20/20 Focus Speakers and biamp using the Mcintosh 352 on the bottom and the Mcintosh tube 2102 on the top with great results. The 20/20 is a great improvement over the previous Focus. For even better control of the bottom you may want to use an outboard crossover or the Legacy Steradian depending on your room effects with the bottom end. Two 352's would also give you great results.
Why not try their monoblock amps? They are very nice sounding and may mate well with their speakers.
Contact me as I have a friend who is selling a pair of them.
I spoke to legacy, of course they want to sell amps so they love the idea, I guess I have a been there done that attitude and want something new. They think biamping is an excellent idea and would open the speakers up a lot. Not sure if I need to spend the money on two amps. The focus are very efficient speakers, and they might just do better with a class a, with more power...as always, I am learning here and all comments are appreciated.
One 352 will also do a great job with the Focus . Try one amp and see if you like it. You will.