Opinions on VTL preamps

I would like to know how the VTL preamps (2.5 & 5.5) compare to similarly priced pres from ARC, Conrad-Johnson, etc. What about reliability? Would be used with a McCormack DNA-1 dlx amp and Magnepan 3.6/R´s. Thanks in advance.
I have VTL 5.5 preamp, has bloom of tubes with speed of solid state. Huge soundstage, I love it with my Virgo II's. Get the latest issue of Stereophile, they give a glowing review of the 5.5 . I think they will give it a class A rating. I have had it for four months, and have not had any problems.
I have the VTL 5.5 pre, VTL ST-85 amp, and audio Phyic Virgos. This is a superbly engaging, musical system. (Most systems I listened to in high end shops left me lukewarm) My non audiophile wife now fights me for time on the rig. My advice to you : BUY the VTL 5.5 used. The price likely has gone up since the Stereophile review.
i concur with the opinion of Mythtrip...i and my best friend own vtl 5.5...no problems.mine is over 1 year old his is over 4 years...forget what mr. odd says....
Early on, VTL did develop a reputation for unreliability. Though that reputation may have been deserved years ago, the quality of VTL equipment has improved and that ought not to be an issue anymore. (I can only speculate that the reliability issue may have changed when Luke Manley, the son, took over VTL from his father, David Manley. David Manley is known as an outstanding designer and Luke Manley seems very focused on satisfying his customers.)
I have a VTL 2.5 and VTL 225 DeLuxe Monoblocks and am very pleased with them. The 2.5, a newer product, has had no problems at all and I am the second owner. I'm considering upgrading to the 5.5 because I am so pleased with the 2.5. The 225, an older product, is sonically outstanding, a former Stereophile Class A amplifier.