pre's and amps that match well with Electro EMC-1

I have an Electrocompaniet EMC-1 MK-II CD player. Like myself, many others are very pleased with its performance.

My question is: what are you folks matching with this cdp for pre and power amplification...solid state, tubes, combination?

What do you feel works best and why?

Also, what is your preference in music types?

I primarily listen to rock/jazz. I am looking for input incase I should make changes in my other gear.

I'm using a Supratek Chardonay preamp and Plinius SA-250 MK IV amp with my EMC 1.
The combination of the three is the best I heard on my system yet. We have the same preference in music it seems like Jazz and Rock.
My Pass dealer put the current EMC-1 in their reference Pass Labs system. It sounds great & was surpassed only by the top YBA player w/dual power supply, (that's an $8500.00 player).......