Anybody have some experience with Bedini amps?

I need a power amp for my Shahinian Obelisk speakers, and Shahinian recommends Bedini.I like natural,liquid,relaxed,but dynamic,musical sound with "be there",live feeling,bass must be exellent ,full and detailed, and i allways prefere analog to digital.I like all kind of music.I am thinking about Classic 100 , or older models.
Hi, After reading the posts, I too had a 25 25, and regretted letting it go. Back in .81,, John used to come over to a house where I was staying. The guy sold stereo equipment out of his house. John brought over an amplifier that was so he said built using only diodes, no transistors. The bass I remember was very tight, and the rest really nice. Don't know what ever happened to that little amp. He was ahead of his time.
Any news regarding Bedini?
Did anyone buy a Bedini new in the last years? What is available?
I use two BA-803 in biamping for my Shahinian Diapasons with Kimber 8TC, also in biwiring for both double eagle parts. Maybe some suggestions for improvement, amp and/or cable?
Did anyone compare Bedini and Plinius (100, 250, 102, 103, Ref.)?
Yes, the news is that Bedini is gone....the website is still up, but no one has answered a phone in months, and no response to emails.

It's rather unfortunate, because you see Bedinis for sale on ebay or here, but you'll no longer be able to get them factory serviced. Local techs won't be able to get the matching capacitors needed for these amps, so we're screwed.

I, too, use a Bedini 803. Had it redone, so will probably not ever sell. Bedinis do work well with Shahinians, as do other amps with as much current, like the Plinius you mention--also Dynavectors. I've never compared a Plinius, so can't answer that. I've never liked the look of the Plinius gear, it would have to sound marvelous for me to budge.

Kimber is nice and loyal, but you can do better.
What preamp do you use?