Electrocompaniet owners

I have owned and enjoyed Electrocompaniet's EMC-1 CD player for the past 2 years. I love the looks, build quality and especially the sound quality. I am considering buying either Electrocompaniet's seperates or one of their integrated amps. Who out there owns their seperates or integrated amps and uses them with EMC-1 CD player?
The only way to get Electrocompaniet to care about their customers and improve on their service, is to stop buying their products. This does the job most of the time, in the business world. I don't care how good their CDP is, how cheap it can be bought; if the service is poor I'm going elsewhere. Which I have done.
Electrocompaniets current wowes with customers isn't something new to them. Years ago customers complained of amps "blowing up". I'm hesitant to repeat "rumours" but the reason "rumoured" for the past problems was blamed on a distributor who took it on himself to "moddify" the amps by removing some protection circuitry in an effort to improve the sound. I have always liked Electrocompaniets stuff, though it really isn't to my particular taste. I always thought of their stuff as being a poor man's Mark Levinson. There seems to be a place for something like that. Untill the current debacle with Subaruguy is cleared up in a satisfactory and expediant manner I can no longer recommend their stuff. Damn shame that an other wise legitimate company suffers because they can't get their distributors in line. Buy Electrocompaniet at your own risk!
There are way better components out there for amp and pre then the Electrocompaniet. I went through all of this for the past year, tried many preamps and amps. AND when it all came down to it, they each have their own personallity. I preferred the Pass Labs components in my system. Are they the best I heard, No, but overall, there is no best, just compromises. After buying the Pass, I inquired about a shorter connecting cable between the preamp and power supply for the X-1. This is cheap cord that I probably could have bought for under $10. Peter at Pass asked for my home address and within two days, I had a cord delivered, at their cost. Look at my recent thread and see how they handle customers even after the warranty is over.

Sorry, but the EMC-1 is now off of my list, remember it may be very good but there are others that are just as good plus I can get treated like they want me as a customer.

Thanks for all the replies on Electrocompaniet equipment. It seem that there are to many complaints about customer service to be ignored. This says alot about the company. It looks like I will look elsewhere to upgrade my system. Again thanks.