would this Deter you from buying used gear????

Remember the shooter(shooters) who terrorized the Washington DC area? Two of those shootings took place
within 3 miles of my home. As a result, I've become
involved with assembling a neighborhood watch group.
My question is, as part of this home safety program, it
will be a requirement to engrave my driver's license #
on posessions i.e. cameras, tv's, (and yes, audio gear.)
Would this process have any bearing on you buying quality
used gear from me????
Give it some thought, I foresee this scenario spreading
throughout our country.
My thought is I wouldn't want to get any gear that was stolen from me back since it was probably abused. That's why we have insurance.
What a silly question. Of course it would deter me from buying your equipment!

That's why I've engraved all of my equipment with the next owner's initials. They keep saying that we in the MidWest are more intelligent than those on either coast. I'm starting to believe it. :)
I would still buy from you, with a price adjustment for the 'de-facement' of the item, but as KF pointed out, it's a sad world if we all go to this extreme. I think rather than take the time and money to engrave our posessions we take the time and expense to write our congressmen and DEMAND reform in our criminal/judicial system. This should apply to all thieves, those from Enron as well as those who live in 'the hood.' It's pretty sad how money can truely buy anything, including 'justice.'

Sorry for the rant, but at the age of 29 and being fortunate enough to have traveled around the world, its a sad path I see this country heading down.
Is the DL so much better than giving the serial number when reporting it stolen? I don't think I'd like to deal with anyone who puts their DL# on their stuff.
Tok20000, this is not just paranoia,it is also collective dementia.I would never buy this gear because would not think highly of the seller.