would this Deter you from buying used gear????

Remember the shooter(shooters) who terrorized the Washington DC area? Two of those shootings took place
within 3 miles of my home. As a result, I've become
involved with assembling a neighborhood watch group.
My question is, as part of this home safety program, it
will be a requirement to engrave my driver's license #
on posessions i.e. cameras, tv's, (and yes, audio gear.)
Would this process have any bearing on you buying quality
used gear from me????
Give it some thought, I foresee this scenario spreading
throughout our country.
Putting your driver's license # or SS# on something only gives the thieves something else to steal- YOUR IDENTITY! If they're polite they will send you a thank you note.
You could weld a plate to your equipment and that way everyone who buys the component after you can engrave their ID on it also, thereby having the capability of tracking all the owners.

Keep your head down!!!!
i went as for as putting a tat of my d.l. on my daughters forehead..... as the kinks sang: "paranoia will destroy ya.....and it goes like this"....sheesh, insurance anyone?
Try it from the other end ... would it deter you from buying? My guess is "yes." You see this often enough with vintage equipment on ebay ... my dad used to do this with the used equipment for sale in his TV repair shop back in the 50's through 70's. It really detracts from the equipment's appearance and value in my mind. Regards, Rich
I remember John Cleese in the Monty Python's Flying Circus tv shows coming out in the middle of a skit saying, "Stop the skit, this is silly". This is one of those moments.

Cars have vehicle identification numbers, electronics, cameras and guns have serial numbers. Has this ever stopped theives from stealing these items? NO. So, if the soccer moms and their neutered male counterparts with too much time on their hands add more numbers to these items, this will somehow deter the criminal?

Markeetaux, I'm fairly certain that this post was a fishing expedition for exactly the type of reply you got from me. I'm also fairly certain that I'll get smoked by others for my reply. If this is a serious question then I am really concerned with the overall mental health in our nations beltway.

To answer your question directly: I wouldn't own such a defaced piece at any price.