From tubes to solid state. What do you loose...

...if your priories are transparency, timbral acuracy, micro dynamics and soundstage? I am hesitant to give-up on my Sonic Frontiers Power 2, but buying tubes every so often can be quite expensive. The current tubes offered (Sovtek, Svetlana, EH) are short-lived and not cheap either. I will probably stay with tube pre-amp and go with the ss amps, like Mark Levinson...?
You miss nothing if you get something like a Rowland Concentra II, Pass or any of the great solid state amps out there. I have heard more glare from some KT88 equipped amps than I have ever heard from my Rowland with bad CD material. The biggest factor however is matching the amp to the or solid state.
It all boils down to system matching.

I have heard tube amp and tube preamp combos that made my jaw drop sonically.

And I have heard tube preamp and solid state amp that was equally amazing.

I have also heard solid state preamp and tube amp that was in the same ball park as the above two instances.

Then I have heard my all Solid State system that well does not sound much like solid state or tubes, it just makes amazing music.

Anyway, my point is this:

Too many folks generalize about TUBES and SOLID STATE. They think that all tubes sound the same or at least have similiar sonic properties, and all solid state sounds similiar ot has similiar sonic properties.

Well folks, these generalizations are not true. There is a great difference in the range of sound from tube amps, and tube preamps, and solid state amps and preamps. BIG DIFFERENCES folks! I do not know why wome folks think that tubes always add a 'magic' to a system. I have heard god awful sound from tubes. I have also heard AMAZING sound from tubes. It all depends on how a system is matched. I have heard god awful SS as well as absolutely amazing SS.

Anyway you cut it, the best SS sound can compete with the best TUBES and vice versus. If you do not think so, please go listen to some of the best sounding SS or TUBE systems. YOu might be hard pressed to tell whether they were tube or ss with a blindfold on. They just tend to sound absolutely amazing.

PS: My friend Frank has the best tube system I have heard in a home. His tube amp and preamp were made specially for him by the chief designer of a esoteric hi end company. Frank makes a lot more money than I do, and can afford amazing tube amps and preamps built for him. All I can say is, if I had tubes, I'd want his, heh heh... Frank is a 100% tube hard core guy. The first time (and every subsequent time) he hears my system, he is in total disbelief. He cannot beleive the sound I am getting is from solid state. Mine is the only SS system he likes. He covets my Ayre CDP as well... (Step AWAY from the Ayre CDP Frank! I step away from his tubes in return, heh heh...) He uses a Dodson 217 mk2 and a Mark Levinson transport, and he still covets the Ayre CDP.

Judit and Subaruguru are right about how adding odd level harmonics can increase apparent detail in the music signal. There's a whole category of pro outboard effect units call enhancers that utilize this fact. When not used judiciously they add a real grittiness to the sound.
I don't think you lose anything...there are plenty of SS amps out there that will give you "transparency, timbral acuracy, micro dynamics and soundstage".
Magic. My experience is that you lose emotion (magic), depth, timbral accuracy, depth, and general listenability with ss. Tubes must be correctly system matched to make magic. I have used very good ss with good results but never attained the magic.