Mark Levinson Gurus: Vintage Three Mile Island

I love my 23.5 but have been trying to purchase 20.5's or 20.6's for my Magneplanar Tympani IVa's -- mainly to have as many gigantic black boxes as I can to gaze happily upon in my living room. Sort of an anti-WAF design statement.

The dual chassis design alone is enough for me to justify the extra expense, but I would really appreciate hearing from any of you if you think there are significant sonic differences in these amps.

My one reservation if I sold the 23.5 would be the drop in power from 200 to 100 WPC for the Maggies, but perhaps the fully class A design would make that insignificant -- or even sound more powerful?

Or maybe the Vintage Levinson three mile island: TWO 23.5's, bridged, for the bass and a pair of 20.6 monoblocks for the mids/highs?

Any advice, especially within the context of my Tympanis and SP-11 MK II would be greatly appreciated.

Happy New Year.
I love all the great vintage equipment you're using! Are you the original owner of all these classic pieces, or did you acquire them later, as a collector? I can only imagine how the Tympani's sound, I longed for a pair back in the mid 80's when all I could afford were B&W DM110 monitors. I've never forgotten the sound in that dealer's showroom. I can't advise on your mega-wattage options, I only use one amp per system, myself. I would love to see your living room, though!
No no, clearly what you need to do is get yourself a set of the older original Maggie 3-panel jobs and some external X-overs, and TRI-amp them, using a separate monoblock for each panel for a grand total of 6 amp towers plus 6 speaker panels, not to mention the X-overs, and then make sure to use networked speaker cables all around with 6 more big 'ol boxes hangin' off the garden hoses...(nothing "sort of" 'bout this design statement!)
Delighted to see such enthusiasm for the anti-WAF design statement!

SC53, I am not the original owner of them, but I also longed for Tympanis and Levinson amps when they were out of my price range, so last year I assembled the retro high end system of my college daydreams.

And Zaikesman, I agree, triamped would be even better!

If anyone has any suggestions for fire hose sized speaker cables and especially -- the sonic and power differences between the Class A/B 23.5 stereo and the Class A 20.5 and 20.6 monoblock amps please let me know.
CW, you must get some large Tube Traps, and various room treatments placed all around. I recommend Argent Room Lenses, since they work, are tall and black, and don't blend in with any type of decor. Also they must stand in specific areas of the room, regardless of how inconvenient.

The Mothra Research cables are the largest and most outrageous I've seen. Truly monstrous.

Also you might try covering all windows in the listening room with acoustical treatments. That is usually the final straw in the WAF department.
Twl, I though that Mothra Research thing was just a joke! That can't be for real? Can it?