Ok, beating the dead horse AGAIN

Need some kind of suggestion for Pre-amp with Plinius 100 MkIII. Thanks!
Once used Sony CDP directly into the amp. Now own Sony SACD-1 and Dynaudio 3.0. Thanks!
Stop beating dead horses! It's a cruel and borderline sick pastime!! Now that you have stopped, seriously consider a Blue Circle BC3, either in it's Despina or Galatea configuration. It makes a nice match with the Plinius. You might also consider a BAT VK3...
I would not advise using tubes that are rolled off in the treble with the SA-100 mk3. I would advise something in SS like the matching Plinius preamp which can be had used for a very good value. Or you could try to get a Krell KRC-HR which would probably work very well with the Plinius amp.

Or if you had about $3k or so to spend, I would suggest the Ayre K-3x.

Anyway, I had Plinius amps (two SA-100 mk3's) for several years, and they have some problems in the treble which can be seriously compounded by a tube amp that is rolled off on top or dark on top.

I agree plinius dont like tube a lot, I use krell ksl
and replace it with adcom gfa 750, this too make good
music, i tried the art audio it did not work.