Suggestions for a tube preamp

I am looking for a tube preamp that will work well with my system:

Clayton S 40 ampliflier
Rick Reimer Wind River GS speakers (on order)
Heavily modified Pioneer DVD player

I do not need phono and do not want to spend more than $1000.00 used.

Here are some preamps I have looked at:

AR LS 7, LS2, LS1
Blue Circle BC 21
Sonic Frontiers Line 1
Audible Illusions L1 or Mod 3
CJ PV 10
Counterpoint 2000, 3000

Any and all suggestions will be appreciated!
Check out the Marsh p2000t, tube hybrid, this is their description:
The P2000t Tube Hybrid Performance Pre-Amp
A superior perfromance tube preamp with triode tube, one of the most linear devices ever developed was designed for the lowest distortion possible. Here it is combined with the FET, creating a new and entirely modern circuit called the " Trans-Mu amplification stage." This brings out all the benefits of the triode tube- extremely low noise, wide frequency response, low distortion - and eliminates the triode's drawbacks.Each channel uses two triode tubes with a push-pull output for low output impedance. The P2000t is able to drive even the longest cables without music deterioration.The filament voltage is direct voltage through a powerful C-multiplier filter, which ensure the lowest noise and the longest, most reliable operation. How low is low? Dead quiet-so you can hear event the most subtle elements in the music. Marsh-designed capacitors provide great accuracy and high-resolution of details- for the most realistic music reproduction possible and for reliable, long-life performance.Both line amplifiers are fitted with remote 12VDC control for custom installation and easy on/off control of other equipment in the system.

I bought mines used here at AG for $895. It is an incredible preamp that sounds with the best regardless of price. Be aware that there is no remote which is the only drawback. Good luck in your search.

I have had two of the preamps on your list, the Audio Research LS1 and the Conrad Johnson PV10a. I did not care for the ARC LS1 at all, very sterile sounding. I have not owned but also heard the ARC LS7 and did not care for it either. I guess I don't like the ARC sound. I love my CJ. Probably not neutral but very musical with a great phono stage. It is currently for sale if you are interested as I am going with a Musical Fidelity to match my power amp and get a remote. See my ad if you are interested. Would be well under your budget and fairly easy to resell if you decide it is not for you. I also owned a Counterpoint tube pre although older and lower in the line than the ones you mentioned. Mine was very noisy and not reliable. For the money I think you could do better with a company still in business.

I have not heard the ARC LS 2 or 3, but they got good reviews. There are also a number of very respected Agon members that swear by Blue Circle and Rogue. Both would probably be good choices. Tube pre amps can very in sound quite a bit. Auditioning is always recommended if you can.

I thank everyone for the responses so far.

TWL, MFA is out of business. Is there anyone that can service this unit if there is a problem? I have also heard that this unit is better when modified.

There is a MFA Magus B for sale on AGON right now. Any info on this unit would be helpful.
Yes, the MFA products can be serviced and upgraded by one of the original designers, Bruce Moore, through RB Audio in California. I bought my preamp from him and the upgrades also.